摘 要:文章以女性美容产品为研究对象,基于符号修辞深入理解美容产品的功能性和文化属性,为设计提供了理论指导以促进产品的创新。首先,在解析不同类型符号修辞的基础上,阐述它们如何应用于美容产品。其次,阐述美容产品中的功能、文化属性及产品设计中存在的问题;最终,借助四种不同类型的符号修辞,即明喻、转喻、提喻及隐喻,再结合修辞中的能指和所指原理,构建女性美容产品的设计思路,并用实例验证设计思路的可行性,以期促进美容产品的设计创新。
中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)01-0044-04
Abstract:The article takes female beauty products as the research object, and studies the communication of beauty product attributes from the perspective of symbolic rhetoric, The research objective is to promote the development and design of beauty products. Firstly, analyze the functional and cultural attributes in beauty product design, as well as the necessity of studying symbol rhetoric; Secondly, on the basis of explaining the concepts of different types of symbolic rhetoric, explain how the theory of symbolic rhetoric is applied to the design of beauty products; Finally, with the help of four different types of symbolic rhetoric, namely simile, metonymy, synecdoche, and metaphor, combined with the principles of signifier and signified in rhetoric, a design path for women's beauty products is constructed, and the feasibility of the constructed design path is verified with examples,to promote innovation in the design of beauty products.
Key Words:Industrial Design; Product Design; Symbolic Rhetoric; Beauty Products; The Female