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单位:中国矿业大学...     作者:葛恒硕,曾栋     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-02-27

摘 要:为了提高老年用户对智能马桶产品的满意度和满足老年用户对智能马桶的使用需求,文章结合Kano模型和熵权法,探索智能马桶适老化设计的思路,并进行设计实践。首先,通过Kano模型,收集关于自理老人使用智能马桶的相关需求数据。其次,根据Kano模型的特点,将这些需求项目进行定性的划分与挑选,以此来构建自理老人智能马桶的需求层次。最后运用熵权法为每一层次的需求指标赋予权重,以此来确定每一层次的总体权重及重要程度。文章通过对自理老人智能马桶的需求权重进行深入探讨,精确地了解了用户的需求倾向,直观地展现出自理老人对于智能马桶各项功能的需求程度。以期提高自理老人对智能马桶的满意度及用户体验。


中图分类号:TB472 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)02-0067-04

Abstract:According to the needs of elderly users, the function design of modern smart toilet products is carried out to improve the satisfaction of elderly users with smart toilet products and meet the use needs of the elderly. Methods firstly, through the research of smart toilet in the market and user interview, the feedback of elderly users was collected to refine the functional requirements of elderly users for smart toilet; Secondly, the Kano questionnaire is compiled and collected according to the functional demand points, and the functional attributes are screened and classified with the help of Kano evaluation results. The designer designs the smart toilet according to the needs of elderly users. Results the functional design elements of the smart toilet were accurately positioned, and the functional improvement design of the smart toilet was carried out to meet the needs of the elderly, so as to improve the user experience and satisfaction. Conclusion from the perspective of user needs, Kano model analysis can intuitively show the demand degree of users for various functions of smart toilet, provide key direction for the design of smart toilet for the elderly.

Key Words:Industrial Design; Self-Care Elderly; Kano Model; Entropy Weight Method; Smart Toilet