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单位:西安工程大学...     作者:李静,张敏言     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-04-22

摘 要:为促进闽南地区滴水兽文化的传承和发展,丰富滴水兽文化创意产品的表现形式,文章基于层次分析法构建了闽南滴水兽文化创意产品设计体系,并进行滴水兽文化创意产品设计实践。首先,深入了解并归纳闽南滴水兽文化创意产品的用户需求,运用层次分析法,将用户需求按照本能层、行为层、反思层进行层次架构。其次,量化各项需求并进行一致性检验,一致性检验通过后,对用户需求进行优先级排序,确定设计时优先考虑的因素。最后,根据分析结果明确用户需求与产品特性之间的关系,完成闽南滴水兽文化创意产品设计实践,为开发文化创意产品提供新的设计路径。 


中图分类号:TB47 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)04-0156-04

Abstract:In order to promote the inheritance and development of the gargoyle culture in southern Fujian, and enrich the expression forms of the gargoyle culture creative products, this paper constructs the design system of the gargoyle culture creative products in southern Fujian based on the analytic hierarchy process, and carries out the gargoyle culture creative product design practice. First of all, deeply understand and summarize the user needs of the gargoyle cultural creative products in southern Fujian, and use the analytic hierarchy process to hierarchically structure the user needs according to the instinct layer, the behavior layer, and the reflection layer. Secondly, the requirements are quantified and consistency inspection is carried out. After the consistency inspection is passed, the user requirements are prioritized to determine the priority factors in design. Finally, according to the analysis results, the relationship between user needs and product characteristics is clarified, and the design practice of gargoyle cultural creative products in southern Fujian is completed, providing a new design path for the development of cultural creative products.

Key Words:Industrial Design; Product Design; Analytic Hierarchy Process; South Gargoyle; Cultural and Creative Products