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单位:1.重庆人文科...     作者:陈泓序,曾培林,陈斌卿     来源:工业设计杂志     时间:2024-08-30

摘 要:文章以哥本哈根的景观规划设计项目作为研究案例,旨在为我国景观规划设计的可持续性路径提供参考。在当前城市化进程加速的背景下,景观规划设计在城市发展中起到了关键的作用,直接关系到城市的未来发展方向和城市居民的生活品质。因此,确保城市的可持续性发展成为规划领域的核心议题之一。文章通过文献研究和项目资料收集等方法,深入分析研究对象的可持续性理念与实践成果,在此基础上提炼出相应的启示与价值。

中图分类号:TU982.29 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1672-7053(2024)09-0068-04

Abstract: This paper takes the landscape planning and design project of Copenhagen as a case study, aiming to provide reference for the sustainable path of landscape planning and design in China. In the current era of accelerated urbanization, landscape planning and design, as a key tool for urban development, directly influence the future direction of cities and the quality of life of urban residents. Ensuring the sustainability of cities is a priority. Through the methods of literature review and analysis, this paper deeply reveals the sustainability concepts and practical effects from the case objects, and on this basis, extracts its corresponding enlightenment and value.
Key Words:Landscape Design; Sustainability; Copenhagen; Superkilen